Saturday, 31 December 2011

Avoiding Pitfalls in Planning a Hair Transplant

Hair Transplantation is a powerful hair restoration technique that allows the surgeon to create very natural results. However, the ability to achieve full cosmetic surgery benefit depends upon a number of factors including proper patient selection, accurately assessing the patient's donor supply, appropriately designing the hair line and correctly distributing the grafts. This paper reviews the major mistakes that doctors make in these key aspects of the hair restoration process and advises the practitioner on how to avoid them so that the patient will achieve the best possible results.

Treatment of male and female pattern baldness, hair loss, hair transplant surgery using micro and mini grafts are now widely used in hair transplant repair procedures and reconstructive surgical hair restoration procedures

Experiments performed by the hair transplant surgeon Dr. Rohit Nayar gave significant credence to the surgical technique of unit follicular hair transplant. Since these experiments had demonstrated that the survival rate of intact follicular unit was better than the single hair micro-grafts, the use of micro-grafts for hair transplant surgery was more or less dropped. Although the results of surgical hair restoration with the use of follicular unit transplants were sound and aesthetically pleasing, this form of hair transplant surgery suffered from drawback of requiring a long time period (6-8 hr) to complete a transplant session.

The process involving follicular hair transplants is considered the most effective among hair restoration methods. In follicular hair transplant, Dr Rohit Nayar transplants hair from the permanent zone in the back of the scalp onto the affected areas. The donor tissue is removed in one piece. This is to ensure that the follicular units being relocated from the back of the scalp are not damaged.

Everyone has heard of or even seen hair transplant horror stories, maybe in a magazine, online or even worse seen the obvious 'plugs' in a elderly friend or relative. However hair transplant surgery has jumped leaps and bound in recent years to make it a viable, safe and not too risky option for those suffering with male pattern baldness.

Surgical hair transplantation is the only solution for restoring the lost hair in pattern baldness when medical hair restoration does not offer you a good hair re-growth. If you have well-defined areas or patterns of baldness on the crown with healthy dense coverage of hair at the sides and the back of the head, you are probably suitable for a hair transplant surgery.

When looking into getting a hair transplant, you might hear information about the procedure from many sources, and some of them will be myths. In order to avoid being sucked into these myths and not getting the full story, here's 10 myths that you might hear about hair transplants.

Hair loss can be a menacing problem, especially for women and younger people. Proven options for treatment are varied from medications, to hair restoration surgery, to wigs. Sometimes a multifaceted approach is necessary for optimal results but the most definitive treatment remains hair transplantation.

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