Saturday, 31 December 2011

Male Pattern Baldness

The primary indication an individual will see of the onset of male pattern baldness is a recession of their hairline, to the left and right of centre and a concurrent slow thinning to an area at the top of the scalp. In time, a greater downturn at the hairline and a widening of the balding area atop the scalp will result in these two areas eventually meeting to create a Friar Tuck style ring of remaining hair to the sides and back of the head. This in turn will further reduce, resulting, ultimately in a completely bald head. What causes male pattern baldness?

There are a number of techniques used in hair replacement surgery. Sometimes, two or more techniques are used to achieve the best results. Advances in surgical hair replacement include follicular unit transplant, mini and micro grafting to improve final aesthetic results. Please be advised that there are limits to what can be accomplished. An individual with very little hair might not be advised to undergo hair replacement surgery.

Most patients were treated for baldness of the fronto-parietal and vertex areas. Approximately 1700 to 2500 follicular units are tramsplanted in a single session, meaning about 3000 hair approximately as each follicular unit could have 1 to 3 hair. Donor strip is obtained from the occipital areas. The length of each strip was predetermined by the number of grafts to be done. Each strip was then divided into follicular units under Magnification.

Transplant hair is a Cosmetic surgery, hair transplant and Laser clinic managed by Dr. Rohit Nayar and his team. Dr. Rohit Nayar (M.S, M.Ch) is a Senior Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon in active practice for last 17 yrs. He cleared his Super Specialization in Plastic Surgery in 1993, following which he has had extensive training in India, U S A, Singapore and other centers for Cosmetic Surgery, having numerous publications and awards to his credit.

Help to Cure Baldness

Hair transplant surgery is very common these days. As Baldness is such a big problem for so many people, and as hair transplant surgery becomes more and more effective, it is more in demand.

A modern hair transplant operation involves the transfer of about 1500 grafts to the treated region of the head. Each graft contains about 1 to 4 hair follicles. These grafts of hair are taken from a contributor strip detached from the back of the patient's skull. This band is normally between 9mm and 12m. broad and about 75mm in length, with the dimensions depending on the number of contributor grafts required. As soon as the strip is detached, the resulting scar/wound is clogged and becomes invisible to all but the most detailed examination. Once the grafts are created they are kept in a dish and are ready for transplant by a surgeon.

Hair replacement surgery is normally safe when performed by a qualified, experienced physician. Still, individuals vary greatly in their physical reactions and healing abilities, and the outcome is never completely predictable.

Transplant hair is a Cosmetic surgery, Hair transplant and Laser clinic managed by Dr. Rohit Nayar and his team. Dr. Rohit Nayar (M.S, M.Ch) is a Senior Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon in active practice for last 17 yrs. He cleared his Super Specialization in Plastic Surgery in 1993, following which he had extensive training in India, U S A, Singapore and other centers for Cosmetic Surgery, having numerous publications and awards to his credit.

Cosmetic and Plastic surgery has come a long way. Today we offer treatments comparable to the best in world and have been treating patients successfully from all parts of the globe. We keep in mind that safety and confidentially of our patients are never compromised.

Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair loss is primarily caused by a combination of ageing, a change in hormones and a family history of baldness. Hair loss can also be caused by burns or trauma, in which case hair replacement surgery is considered a reconstructive treatment. If you have determined that hair transplants is the best option for you, you can feel comfortable knowing that Highly Qualified Plastic Surgeons.

Hair transplant surgery is very common these days. As hair loss is such a big problem for so many people, and as hair transplant surgery becomes more and more effective, it is more in demand.

If you have determined that hair transplants is the best option for you, you can feel comfortable knowing that Highly Qualified Plastic Surgeons have been successfully performing this type of procedure for more than thirty years If you re considering hair replacement surgery. Transplant hair is a Cosmetic surgery, Hair transplant and Laser clinic managed by Dr. Rohit Nayar and his team. Dr. Rohit Nayar (M.S, M.Ch) is a Senior Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon in active practice for last 17 yrs. He cleared his Super Specialization in Plastic Surgery in 1993, following which he has had extensive training in India, U S A, Singapore and other centers for Cosmetic Surgery, having numerous publications and awards to his credit.

Considering a Follicular Unit Hair Transplant?

Follicular unit hair transplants (also known as FUE) are at the cutting edge of hair restoration surgery. Some of the results will simply amaze you.

What are the emotional and financial costs of having a surgical hair restoration procedure. Make sure you're making the right choice for you.

Hair restoration surgery today for aesthetic (not reconstructive) purposes almost exclusively involves only hair grafts taken from the back of the head and transplanted to areas of hair loss. Larger flaps and scalp reductions are rarely practiced today for male or female pattern hair loss but reserved principally for hair loss due to cancer, trauma, or other injury. The principle of modern hair restoration is based on Rohit Nayar's theory of "donor dominance" in which donor hair taken from the back of the head (where even the baldest man still has hair) will not be lost after transplantation by...

With hair, restoration procedures revolutionizing rapidly, surgeons are thinking outside the box more and more for ways to challenge hair loss and make hair regrowth a reality to the many suffering from hair loss. One of the challenges surgeons are facing is trying to perform a successful body hair transplant on men suffering from hair loss on other parts of the body. A growing number of men are coming forward now with the hope of restoring hair loss on places like the arms and chests. Body hair transplant procedures are growing in numbers as they become more and more successful.

Hair restoration surgery, including hair transplants, requires donor hair to meet specific requirements. Certain limitations prevent patients from being hair transplant candidates.

The result is an extremely natural appearance to the hairline and hair. So what exactly is a hair transplant, especially the modern ones used today? They are basically a way of dealing with specific types of baldness, primarily in men, and possible transplant candidates are screened carefully. If they have enough hair to take from one part of their head and place on a balding area, they can keep baldness from spreading in the desired areas.

Female hair transplant techniques are relatively new phenomena. Until quite recently, women that had an issue with their hair had no option but to endure their discomfort.
There were some other options available that helped to deal with hair loss problems. These options included using special hairstyles and downplaying the area that was affected and wigs were also used to conceal the balding patches.

Today, female hair transplant procedures are becoming very popular, you owe it to yourself to at least explore this option!

Before the discovery of female hair transplant techniques, women that had a balding or hair loss problem had no option but to suffer the consequences. No doubt, they could use certain techniques to make the condition less intolerable but they still had to endure a lot of emotional upheaval because any blemish in a women hair is very hard for them to tolerate.

Despite using hairdos and playing down the affected areas and even after wearing wigs to hide their baldness, women were never totally at ease with their hair loss problems.

FUE hair transplants are one of the more modern methods of surgical hair restoration that you can take advantage of today. What does FUE mean?

How Does Hair Transplantation Work?

This article is about how modern hair transplantation works with a little review of the history of hair restoration to understand how far we have come today. When many of my patients come to see me, they are simply confused about how a hair transplant works and what they will need to do to maintain their result over time.

Hair transplant costs are high, but most are usually happy with the result.

Most of the people think that baldness is a hereditary problem and there is no way to check hair loss. A non balanced diet, insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, and UV radiations are the most probable causes of hair loss-

A long string of hair transplant starts with the harvesting of donor's hair. It begins with the excision of 1cm and 20 cm long strip of hair from donor site. The strip is tapering at end to facilitate easy removal.

Considering a hair transplant and wondering what it will cost? Here's what you need to know about hair transplant costs including how to save money on your hair transplant.

Any individual that opts for hair transplants should prepare for a routine of clinic visits and tests in the months or even years leading up to the actual procedure taking place. If that individual happens to be an African American then he or she may go through more than most. The intrinsic make up of each African American hair is very different from that of other hair types and so African American hair transplants are somewhat more complicated than other hair types in many ways.

Hair transplant is the process of transferring hair to eliminate bald areas of the head. Male pattern baldness is one of the most common problems observed among men aged 50 years and above. This is the condition wherein a good portion of their hair is slowly diminishing, usually on the front side of their head.

This day and time, most people that have most of their hair gone should give serious consideration to investigation and discovering what is the best way to proceed with hair transplant. Really, unless you like not having any hair, there is no reason for you not to have plenty. But that's up to each individual and his preferences.

Hair transplant surgery can do much more than restore your hair. When Blain Randolf, 32, of Scottsdale Arizona began to experience premature hair loss, he was not prepared for how it would alter the course of his life.

If you have considered hair transplant surgery, you must read and educate yourself prior to moving forward with the hair restoration surgery. Read this article to get a jump start.

If you're considering having a hair transplant then you need to be careful before you go making any huge mistakes. One of the key mistakes a lot of guys make is having a transplant way too early in the balding process.

When most people think about hair loss or baldness they usually only talk about how it affects men. Women are often forgotten about in terms of hair loss treatments of any kind. But the scary thing is more and more women are experiencing hair loss today then ever before.

Advancement in Hair Transplantation

Due to some hair transplant advances like FUE (Follicular unit extraction), it is now possible to save time on grafting of hair transplants on to the bald area. Hair transplantation research is also underway to produce hair clones that can be used for hair transplantation to give a more dense coverage of the bald areas on the scalp.

Now a days not only is it possible to restore hair in a natural way, but hair transplant doctors can repair and redesign the strange looking results from the older techniques.

Many people who are battling hair loss wonder if a Hair Transplant surgery is the answer to their problems and many are even afraid of the word "surgery". Most people have seen others with transplant surgery that look superficial and like a doll's sticking out for the world to see.

Reasons why certain hair transplant procedures fail or why certain hair restoration procedures have less than expected results. Some of these reasons can attest to why there are bad hair transplants but can also help you choose the right hair transplant surgeon.

Hair transplantation can cost around ten thousand dollars, depending on the technique used, the location and reputation of the clinic, the extent of hair loss and the number of transplant sessions needed to achieve the desired effect. Given the pain, time and cost involved, it pays to educate oneself prior to signing up for surgery. Do not let anybody push you into hasty uninformed decisions.

What did men do about their hair loss before hair transplant surgery? For centuries, men have been in search of a solution to their hair loss problems.

Hair loss may seem like a natural consequence of aging. You may even expect it to eventually happen to you after watching a family member go through it. But expecting hair loss and absorbing its effects can be dramatically different things with unexpected results.

When considering your options for the treatment of hair loss, cost is a significant factor, especially when it comes to hair transplantation. As a patient, it is important to know that while researching and evaluating hair restoration surgery, procedure cost is as personalized as the patient and a successful hair transplant takes into account a large number of factors aside from just the degree of hair loss.

Hair transplant surgery can bring amazing results if it is done properly. Moreover, the transplanted hair can last a lifetime or at least as long as the hair stays in the area from which the transplants are taken.

Hair transplants have been around in one form or another for about 60 years now. The earliest transplants were primitive and the results were never what the patient expected.

Having a hair transplant is surgery no matter what way you look at it. I bet you're wondering what you'll look like before and after the final procedure?

Sometimes the way hair transplants are advertised would lead you to believe that there's no blood and definitely, no scars left behind. The reality is that if you have surgery of any kind you'll be left with a scar - even if it's tiny. As we get older our body can't heal itself as quickly and those little scars can stick around for life.

After Hair Transplant Care In Hair Restoration Surgery

Men or women who had a hair transplant surgery using a strip technique usually leave our hair transplant center with a bandage around their head. The bandage is used only to support the newly closed donor wound on the back of scalp. Patients are given prescription for pain and anti-inflammatory medications for first few days after surgery.

The first night after hair transplant surgery, patient needs to be cautious not to rub or scratch the transplanted area. It is recommend that all patients take it easy for the first days and avoid heavy physical exercises.

The technique of moving hair bearing skin tissue grafts from one part of the scalp to another dates back at least 50 years. In the 2010's a pioneering surgeon by the name of Dr. Rohit Nayar began to experiment with the idea of transplanting hair bearing tissue grafts taken from outside the pattern of top and frontal hair loss (i.e. the back of the scalp) to balding areas on the top and front of the head.

The need for accurate hair transplant information is very necessary given the misleading statements and claims sometimes made concerning this surgical procedure to combat hair loss. This easy to read 5 point fact sheet provides essential information for anyone considering this answer to hair loss.

This article describes other places on the body, which can undergo hair restoration procedures. The transplant procedures are undertaken in a similar manner but there are cautions. I'm suffering from hair loss. Should I consider hair transplant surgery? When should I consider it and what should I do first?

Today most of the people are facing acute hair loss problem. The most important cause related to hair loss is genetics and the only treatment is permanent transplant surgery. However, before going for a permanent transplant one should consider these tips.

Considering a hair transplant? Find out what you need to know when considering a hair transplant to help you decide if a transplant is right for you.

Hair transplants are one method of dealing with hair loss. The most successful remedy for baldness, especially male pattern baldness, is a hair transplant. Since Dr. Rohit Nayar introduced the procedure, hair transplants have been the preferred medical treatment for baldness throughout the world. Since their introduction, millions of men have had their baldness problem permanently solved through the hair transplant process.

Deciding to have hair transplant surgery is a big decision to make and you should have all the facts before deciding to have a hair transplant. Here's a brief review of the different types of procedures offered by hair transplant surgeons.

Avoiding Pitfalls in Planning a Hair Transplant

Hair Transplantation is a powerful hair restoration technique that allows the surgeon to create very natural results. However, the ability to achieve full cosmetic surgery benefit depends upon a number of factors including proper patient selection, accurately assessing the patient's donor supply, appropriately designing the hair line and correctly distributing the grafts. This paper reviews the major mistakes that doctors make in these key aspects of the hair restoration process and advises the practitioner on how to avoid them so that the patient will achieve the best possible results.

Treatment of male and female pattern baldness, hair loss, hair transplant surgery using micro and mini grafts are now widely used in hair transplant repair procedures and reconstructive surgical hair restoration procedures

Experiments performed by the hair transplant surgeon Dr. Rohit Nayar gave significant credence to the surgical technique of unit follicular hair transplant. Since these experiments had demonstrated that the survival rate of intact follicular unit was better than the single hair micro-grafts, the use of micro-grafts for hair transplant surgery was more or less dropped. Although the results of surgical hair restoration with the use of follicular unit transplants were sound and aesthetically pleasing, this form of hair transplant surgery suffered from drawback of requiring a long time period (6-8 hr) to complete a transplant session.

The process involving follicular hair transplants is considered the most effective among hair restoration methods. In follicular hair transplant, Dr Rohit Nayar transplants hair from the permanent zone in the back of the scalp onto the affected areas. The donor tissue is removed in one piece. This is to ensure that the follicular units being relocated from the back of the scalp are not damaged.

Everyone has heard of or even seen hair transplant horror stories, maybe in a magazine, online or even worse seen the obvious 'plugs' in a elderly friend or relative. However hair transplant surgery has jumped leaps and bound in recent years to make it a viable, safe and not too risky option for those suffering with male pattern baldness.

Surgical hair transplantation is the only solution for restoring the lost hair in pattern baldness when medical hair restoration does not offer you a good hair re-growth. If you have well-defined areas or patterns of baldness on the crown with healthy dense coverage of hair at the sides and the back of the head, you are probably suitable for a hair transplant surgery.

When looking into getting a hair transplant, you might hear information about the procedure from many sources, and some of them will be myths. In order to avoid being sucked into these myths and not getting the full story, here's 10 myths that you might hear about hair transplants.

Hair loss can be a menacing problem, especially for women and younger people. Proven options for treatment are varied from medications, to hair restoration surgery, to wigs. Sometimes a multifaceted approach is necessary for optimal results but the most definitive treatment remains hair transplantation.